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Consultant Ophthalmologist, Cataract & Refractive Surgeon
BMedSci BM BS MRCS MRCSEd MRCOpth FRCOphth MMedLaw PgD Cataract & Refractive Surgery

For Patients

I believe that it is important that patients get the best possible information about their eyes. In the clinic setting it is often impossible to take the appropriate amount of time to explain a condition.

Please view our A-Z of eye conditions to find out a bit about your condition. Bear in mind that these are very general guides meant for information only. These cannot be relied upon for making a diagnosis and you should discuss your condition with your ophthalmologist or GP to be sure of the diagnosis. One page of explanation cannot cover every patients condition so some of the information provided may not apply to your particular situation.

If a condition you want to know about is not here ask us and we will add a section on it shortly.