What’s going on?
The clear filmy conjunctiva of the eye begins to grow the cornea (the clear window at the front of the eye). This is a benign condition. The condition is thought to be related to excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light and is thus more commonly seen in those who have worked out of doors. It tends to affect the cornea on the inner aspect. The conjunctiva grows over the cornea in a triangular fashion.
What will my ophthalmologist see?
We can examine the cornea and see how far it is growing across.
What will my ophthalmologist do for me?
If it is minor we will probably advise you to leave it alone. If it is more significant and is unsightly we can arrange to remove it for you.
What can I do?
If your eye bothers you, you can use lubricant drops to keep it comfortable.
What do I need to know?
The operation to have it removed is not a minor undertaking. If the growth is getting close to the centre of the cornea then it will require removal as it can start to affect vision. Unfortunately even after successful surgical removal it can still come back again.