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Optometry Colleague update (Jan 2023)
Dear Colleague,
The RCOphth recommends that patients are sent back to their optometrist rather than being reviewed again in hospital after routine cataract surgery. In my hands the safety profile is so good that there is no clinical need for review however post-operative refractive and visual outcome data is vital so I can continue to ensure I deliver the best possible care for patients. I appreciate that this is not part of your usual contracted work and am happy to continue to remunerate you for it and the valuable feedback you provide. Previously I requested more pre-op data from you including real life quality of life information, more clinical data and patients’ attitude to vision. I appreciate it takes more time than a standard referral but I am afraid I cannot recompense you for that. I would still be really grateful for as much information as possible but appreciate that you may not have the time for it (supplementary form for potential premium IOLs accessed here). I cannot reimburse you for any of your time prior to referral.
I hope to continue to encourage you to refer to me by giving the best possible care I can to your patients, and I genuinely appreciate your hard work and the partnership we have in wrapping care around the patient.