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Consultant Ophthalmologist, Cataract & Refractive Surgeon
BMedSci BM BS MRCS MRCSEd MRCOpth FRCOphth MMedLaw PgD Cataract & Refractive Surgery

Case Studies

Premium IOL

Mrs HR is a lovely 62 year old lady who came to see me after a disappointing visual outcome in her left eye after cataract surgery.

Pre-op she was Right -7.50/-0.25 x90 and Left -10.00

She had her left sided cataract surgery and ended up +1.50/-0.75 x140.

Toric Premium Lens to Correct Astigmatism

JM is a 57 year old lady who presented to Mr Alwitry with reduced vision in both eyes due to cataract. Read here how her experience of a toric premium lens in one eye compared to the monofocal lens in the other eye.

Toric Trifocal Intraocular Lens

A 69 year young lady came to see me with reduced vision in both eyes due to cataracts.  She was keen to have the cataracts removed but also wanted to achieve good intermediate and near vision. 

A Patient Complaint With a Difference...

Read what this 73 year old patient had to say about her bilateral cataract surgery under Mr Alwitry's care...

"You have brought the colour back into my life"

This patient painted Mr Alwitry a beautiful watercolour to thank him for his recent surgery...

Bilateral Trifocal Toric Premium Intraocular Lenses

“It's like having a brand new pair of eyes. Absolutely fantastic. Thank you so very much. I’m glad I came to see you.”

Bilateral Trifocal Toric Lenses

“It's like having a brand new pair of eyes. Absolutely fantastic. Thank you so very much. I’m glad I came to see you.”

Trifocal Toric IOLs

For the first time in her life, this 47 year old lady from Nottingham can enjoy spectacle-free vision following bilateral Trifocal Toric lens implantation.